Ministers of Apollo Chamber Music

Celebrate the upcoming 250th anniversary of the American Revolution with this musical program featuring music from the time period. Step back in time through the power of music! Enjoy popular music from the late 18th-century played on harpsichord with vocals, violin, and cello. Some of the music comes straight from original music books, which will be on display.

The Ministers of Apollo are Eliza and Erik Lichack. The mission of Ministers of Apollo is to bring people back in time–just for a little while–through the power of music. How do they do that? For several years, they have been researching the sights and sounds of the late 18th-century and have been faithfully recreating music, clothing, cosmetics, and hairstyles of the time period in order to give people a flavor of the 18th-century. To even further the audience into the past, they use a combination of reproduction and original musical instruments, music books, clothing, accessories, and more.

Register for the event here.

Saturday, October 15 at 2:00 p.m.
Scarsdale Public Library, Scott Room

Sponsored by the Scarsdale Public Library and Revolutionary Westchester 250.